Case management/eligibility

Medical professional and older woman laughing together

It’s important to get medical care when you need it—don’t put off an exam or screening because you aren’t sure who to contact or how to pay for it! We help pair patients with the resources they need via:

Case management

Case management is the coordination of services to help assess, plan, and evaluate options for your health care needs.

Eligibility assistance

Not sure if you qualify for financial support from federal, state, or local programs? We help patients determine eligibility for and gain access to medical, social, educational, housing, and other related services.

Outreach services

We promote awareness of our services and encourage individuals to seek routine and emergency medical care when necessary. We offer a broad range of culturally and linguistically appropriate link to translation services activities to help people feel comfortable working with us to get the care they need.

Click here to schedule your appointment with one of our Outreach specialists.


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